Oxymetholone (Anadrol) (20 Offers)

Anadroxyl Product Form: Oral (Steroid Pills)
Drug Class: Anabolic Androgenic Oral Steroid
Administration: Oral use
Manufacturer (Brand): Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, India
Chemical Substance: Oxymetholone
Strength: 50 mg/tab
Unit: 50 tabs
Dosage: 50mg/day; 2-4 weeks;
Goal: Bulking, Strength

Drug Class: Anabolic Androgenic Oral Steroid
Administration: Oral use
Manufacturer (Brand): Stealth Labs USA
Chemical Substance: Oxymetholone
Strength: 50 mg/tab
Unit: 100 tabs
Dosage: 50mg/day; 2-4 weeks;
Goal: Bulking, Strength
Products are shipping without brand label for security reasons.
Oxymetholone for Sale
What is Oxymetholone?
Oxymetholone, also known by its brand name Anadrol, is an anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) that is primarily used to treat anemia, osteoporosis, and conditions where muscle wasting and decreased strength are present. It is a synthetic form of the male hormone testosterone and has a similar structure to DHT. Oxymetholone is often used as a bridge between steroid cycles to provide the extra benefits of quick gains.
How to use Oxymetholone?
Oxymetholone should be used under the guidance of a physician experienced in the use of anabolic steroids. The usual dosage ranges from 25mg to 100mg per day. Taking more than the recommended dosage increases the risk of side effects and should be avoided. Oxymetholone should be taken in divided doses with meals to avoid high peak blood levels. Taking Oxymetholone along with other AAS will help prevent the body from adapting and improve results.
Oxymetholone Dosage
The average dose of Oxymetholone is one up to two tablets, two to four times per day. Most experts recommend beginning with a low dose to check for tolerance and then increasing it slowly over time. In general, the lower the dose, the lower the risk of side effects. This drug should not be used for more than four weeks, as prolonged use can lead to decreased natural testosterone production.
Oxymetholone Side Effects
As with any performance-enhancing drug, Oxymetholone comes with potential side effects. Acne and oily skin, increased water retention and gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts) are some of the more common sides. More serious side effects such as changes in mood, jaundice, testicular atrophy, and liver toxicity have also been reported. It's important to carefully monitor the recommended dosage and discontinue use if any of these side effects occur.
Is Oxymetholone Legal?
Oxymetholone is a regulated substance and its possession and use is illegal in some countries. However, it can be used for legitimate medical purposes such as treating anemia, osteoporosis, and muscle wasting diseases. It is important to check with local regulations before using this drug, as laws vary from country to country.
Where to buy Oxymetholone?
Oxymetholone can be purchased online from a variety of legitimate sources. It is important to purchase high-quality products from reputable companies. Many online vendors offer discounts and free shipping on orders. It is recommended to contact the vendor directly to ask any questions or to verify the legitimacy of a product before purchase.
Oxymetholone Benefits
Oxymetholone has a number of potential benefits, including the promotion of faster muscle growth, increased strength, increased appetite, and improved recovery. Quick results are often reported and, when taken as part of a steroid cycle, Oxymetholone can help prevent muscle loss during low calorie phases.
Oxymetholone Results
Along with increased strength and lean muscle, users of Oxymetholone may experience increases in water retention, decreased sex drive, and aggressive behavior. It's important to monitor the results of taking Oxymetholone and be prepared to adjust the dosage or cycle length to achieve the desired results.
Oxymetholone Cycle
The length of an Oxymetholone cycle varies according to the goals and the user's experience. Generally, cycles last for four to six weeks, but any cycle should not exceed eight weeks. Users should begin with short cycles of two to three weeks to assess tolerance and effects.
Oxymetholone Reviews
Experienced anabolic steroid users generally rate Oxymetholone as an effective anabolic agent. Most users report a rapid increase in muscle mass and strength when Oxymetholone is part of a steroid cycle. On forums and other online sources, Oxymetholone reviews are mixed with some users reporting high levels of satisfaction and others experiencing side effects or not noticing much of a difference.
Oxymetholone Brand Names
Oxymetholone is commonly known by its brand name Anadrol and is sold under the following trade names: Aromasin, Androxy, Emdrol, and Oxymeth. It is important to note that while these drugs all contain the same active ingredient, their chemical structure and purity may be different.
In conclusion, Oxymetholone, a synthetic form of testosterone, is used to treat a number of medical conditions like anemia and osteoporosis. It is a powerful anabolic androgenic steroid that can cause a number of side effects. Sticking to the recommended dosage and cycle lengths is important to prevent unwanted side effects. Users should also start with low doses, check for tolerance, and be sure to purchase Oxymetholone from legitimate sources.
Drug Status: Anabolic Androgenic Steroid (Synthetic Male Hormone).
Molecular Formula: C21H32O3
Molecular Weight: 332.5
Liver Toxicity: YES
Active Life: 14-16 hours
Average Dose: Men 50-150 mg/day; 4-6 weeks;
Average Dose: Women 20-50 mg/day; 1-4 weeks;
Aromatization rate: None
Here you can find list of Anadrol (Oxymetholone) products from Steroids Gear shop:
Anadrol Kalpa Pharmaceuticals: Anadroxyl (Oxymetholone) - 50 tabs * 50 mg.
Oxy Dragon Pharma: Oxymetholon (Oxymetholone) - 100 tabs * 50 mg.
Axiolabs Anadrol: Oxyplex (Oxymetholone) - 50 tabs * 50 mg.
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals: Oxydrol (Oxymetholone) - 50 tabs * 50 mg.
7Lab Pharm: Oxy-Lab (Oxymetholone) - 100 tabs * 25 mg.
Sciroxx: Oxydex (Oxymetholone) - 50 tabs * 50 mg.
Balkan Pharmaceuticals: Anapolon (Oxymetholone) - 60 tabs * 50 mg.
SP Laboratories: SP Oxymetabol (Oxymetholone) - 100 tabs * 50 mg.
Domestic Beligas Pharmaceuticals: Pro-Anadrol (Oxymetholone) - 50 tabs * 50 mg.
US Domestic Odin Anabolics: Anadrol (Oxymetholone) - 50 tabs * 50 mg.
Ice Pharmaceuticals: Oxymetholone - 60 tabs * 50 mg.
Oxy BodyPharm: Oxymetholone - 100 tabs * 50 mg.
Anadrol Hilma Biocare: Oxymetholone - 100 tabs * 50 mg.
Geneza Pharmaceuticals: GP Oxy (Oxymetholone) - 50 tabs * 50 mg.
Ultima Pharmaceuticals: Ultima Oxy 50 (Oxymetholone) - 50 tabs * 50 mg.
Oxymetholone - Anadrol Side Effects:
Man: nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, irritability, jaundice, depression, lethargy, swelling, weight gain, dark urine.
Women: acne, deepened voice, enlarged clitoris, changes in libido, changes in your menstrual periods, decreased interest in sex.
Brand Names: Anadrol-50, Adroyd, Anapolon, Anasteron, Pardroyd, Anadrol, Oximetolona, Nastenon, Anadrol-50, Oxymethenolone, Anapolon, Anasteron, Plenastril, Synasteron, Adroyd, Oximetholonum, Oxymetholonum, Adroidin, Anadroyd, Becorel, Dynasten, Methabol, Pavisoid, Roboral, Zenalosyn, Oxitosona-50, Hemogenin, Nastenon, Synasterobe, Synasteron, Zenalosyn, Oxitoland, Oxitosona, Oxyanabolic, Oxybolone, Protanabol, Roboral, Oxymethalone, Oximetholone, Anasterone.
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